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Njihuni me aeroplanin transparent (FOTO)

12:10 | 29 Prill 2017

Aeroplani i së ardhmes që parashikohet të jetë gati për fluturimin e tij të parë në vitin 2050 do të ketë 1000 vende,përcjellë arbresh.

Aeroplani nuk do të jetë realisht transparent por në pjesën e brendshme të tij do të vendosen projektorë që do të transmetojnë ‘live’ çfarë ndodh jashtë duke krijuar idenë se jeni duke fluturuar mbi re.

Kjo do të realizohet nga mini-kamera që do vendosen në pjesën e jashtme të aeroplanit, i cili përveçse dritareve të pilotëve nuk do ketë dritare të tjera.
Ky avion do të ketë gjithçka të teknologjisë më të fundit që është zbuluar deri më tani, por edhe që do të zbulohet me kalimin e viteve.

EMBARGOED TO 1900 MONDAY JUNE 13. Undated Airbus handout image of artists impression of the exterior view of an "intelligent" concept cabin that air travellers in 2050 might fly in designed by Airbus. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Monday June 13, 2011. A vision of future air travel, with seats that change to fit passengers' body shapes, was presented by plane-maker Airbus in London tonight. Showing off a concept cabin, the company also said that mid-century passengers might be able to a enjoy a game of virtual golf or take part in interactive conferences, while the cabin "identifies and responds" to travellers' needs. The cabin of the future follows last year's unveiling of the Airbus concept plane, packed with technologies to reduce fuel burn, emissions, waste and noise. See PA story AIR Future. Photo credit should read: Airbus/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.

EMBARGOED TO 1900 MONDAY JUNE 13. Undated Airbus handout image of artists impression of the vitalising zone which provides a panoramic view in an "intelligent" concept cabin that air travellers in 2050 might fly in designed by Airbus. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Monday June 13, 2011. A vision of future air travel, with seats that change to fit passengers' body shapes, was presented by plane-maker Airbus in London tonight. Showing off a concept cabin, the company also said that mid-century passengers might be able to a enjoy a game of virtual golf or take part in interactive conferences, while the cabin "identifies and responds" to travellers' needs. The cabin of the future follows last year's unveiling of the Airbus concept plane, packed with technologies to reduce fuel burn, emissions, waste and noise. See PA story AIR Future. Photo credit should read: Airbus/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.

EMBARGOED TO 1900 MONDAY JUNE 13. Undated Airbus handout image of artists impression of the vitalising zone which provides a panoramic view in an "intelligent" concept cabin that air travellers in 2050 might fly in designed by Airbus. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Monday June 13, 2011. A vision of future air travel, with seats that change to fit passengers' body shapes, was presented by plane-maker Airbus in London tonight. Showing off a concept cabin, the company also said that mid-century passengers might be able to a enjoy a game of virtual golf or take part in interactive conferences, while the cabin "identifies and responds" to travellers' needs. The cabin of the future follows last year's unveiling of the Airbus concept plane, packed with technologies to reduce fuel burn, emissions, waste and noise. See PA story AIR Future. Photo credit should read: Airbus/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.

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