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Miqësia e mirë s’ka kufij, gorilla nuk e lejon rojtarin e kopshtit zoologjik të largohet

22:20 | 13 Qershor 2017
Trina Galanxhi

Një gorillë ka treguar lidhjen e ngushtë që ajo ka me njerëzit, duke e shfaqur atë përmes një kujdestari në kopshtin zoologjik me emrin Matthieu.

Gorilla e gjinisë femërore, e imiton paraqitjene  Matthieus, duke u ulur pranë tij dhe duke e përfaquar atë, transmeton portali

Fotografi që punon në Afrikën së Jugut, Nelis Wolmarans thotë: “Katër gorillat malore që kujdesen për në Orlandën e Gorillasve të Senkwekve (në Republikën Demokratike të Kongos) kanë kompani të vazhdueshme njerëzore dhe zhvillojnë lidhje të forta me kujdestarët e tyre.”

Ai ka shtuar se lidhja emocionale mes tyre është e ngrohtë dhe gorilla e ndjëjnë edhe kur ata janë të mërzitur dhe janë të gëzuar.

Tutje ai ka shtuar, se sa herë ata ndjehen të trishtuar, gorillat mundohen t’i ngushëllojnë./

PIC BY Nelis Wolmarans / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED Matthieu with gorilla Matabishi) Theres nothing better than a little monkeying around to cheer you up as this gorillas keeper discovered. Sitting on a stump, caretaker Matthieu appears to be sadly hanging his head until his gorilla Matabishi slides up beside him. The female gorilla then sits with him and starts to hug him in an attempt to get his spirits up. It worked, and the carer was soon up on his feet at the at Senkwekwe Mountain Gorilla Orphanage in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a large Central African country. The touching scene was captured by South African wildlife photographer Nelis Wolmarans from Cape Town. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC BY Nelis Wolmarans / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED Matthieu with gorilla Matabishi) Theres nothing better than a little monkeying around to cheer you up as this gorillas keeper discovered. Sitting on a stump, caretaker Matthieu appears to be sadly hanging his head until his gorilla Matabishi slides up beside him. The female gorilla then sits with him and starts to hug him in an attempt to get his spirits up. It worked, and the carer was soon up on his feet at the at Senkwekwe Mountain Gorilla Orphanage in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a large Central African country. The touching scene was captured by South African wildlife photographer Nelis Wolmarans from Cape Town. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC BY Nelis Wolmarans / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED Matthieu with gorilla Matabishi) Theres nothing better than a little monkeying around to cheer you up as this gorillas keeper discovered. Sitting on a stump, caretaker Matthieu appears to be sadly hanging his head until his gorilla Matabishi slides up beside him. The female gorilla then sits with him and starts to hug him in an attempt to get his spirits up. It worked, and the carer was soon up on his feet at the at Senkwekwe Mountain Gorilla Orphanage in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a large Central African country. The touching scene was captured by South African wildlife photographer Nelis Wolmarans from Cape Town. SEE CATERS COPY

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