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Adoleshentja humb jetën pasi përdori telefonin në banjo

22:24 | 11 Korrik 2017
Trina Galanxhi

Një adoleshente ka humbur jetën pasi u godit me elektricitet përderisa po përpiqej të karikonte telefonin e saj gjersa po bënte dush.

Madison Coe, 14 vjeçe, po bënte një banjë në shtëpinë e saj në Lovington, Neë Mexico, kur ka ndodhur aksidenti, transmeton portali

A 14-year-old girl from Lubbock died early Sunday morning after being electrocuted in a bathtub. Madison Coe's mother and grandmother tell us she was in the bathtub, and either plugged her phone in or simply grabbed her phone that was already plugged in. It happened at her father's house in Lovington, NM. Madison just graduated 8th grade from Terra Vista Middle School in Frenship ISD.  "It is with heavy hearts that Frenship ISD mourns the loss of Madison Coe. We wish to share our heartfelt sympathy with her family and friends as we carry the burden of this tragedy together," officials with FISD said. Madison was expected to attend high school in Houston, as her family was in the process of moving.

Sipas familjes së saj, ajo po mundohej të karikonte telefonin, derisa qëndronte ulur në vaskë.

Gjyshja e saj ka theksuar se në dorën e saj u panë shenja djegie.

A 14-year-old girl from Lubbock died early Sunday morning after being electrocuted in a bathtub. Madison Coe's mother and grandmother tell us she was in the bathtub, and either plugged her phone in or simply grabbed her phone that was already plugged in. It happened at her father's house in Lovington, NM. Madison just graduated 8th grade from Terra Vista Middle School in Frenship ISD.  "It is with heavy hearts that Frenship ISD mourns the loss of Madison Coe. We wish to share our heartfelt sympathy with her family and friends as we carry the burden of this tragedy together," officials with FISD said. Madison was expected to attend high school in Houston, as her family was in the process of moving.

Madison  ishte anëtare e grupit të shkollës së mesme Terra Vista dhe gjithashtu luajti basketboll për shkollën./



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