Hoti thotë se platforma e tij për dialogun përbënte dy pika kryesore

13:44 | 2 Shkurt 2022
V. S.

Ish-kryeministri i Kosovës tanimë deputet i LDK-së, Avdullah Hoti ka prezantuar platformën për dialog, platformë kjo e prezantuar sa ishte vetë në krye të ekzekutivit.

Përmes një postimi në facebook, Hoti ka shkruar se më këtë platformë ishin pajtuar edhe partneret ndërkombëtare, raporton

Sipas tij, në këtë platformë ishin paraparë njohja reciproke dhe çështja e të pagjeturve.

Postimi i plotë:

Në vijim është verzioni i shkurtuar i “Platformës për dialog” i Qeverisë Hoti. Bazuar në këtë platformë, si dhe pas dakordimit me partnerët ndërkombëtarë për parimet e kësaj platforme, në verën e vitit 2020 Qeveria Hoti ka nisur procesin e dialogut.

Kjo plaformë është shpërndarë tek partnerët ndërkombëtarë dhe është prezantuar në Samitin e Parisit më 10 korrik 2020. Bazuar në këtë platformë ka nisur dialogu, ku pikë e parë e marrëveshjes ka qenë njohja reciproke, ndërsa pikë e dytë ka qenë çështja e të pagjeturve, dhe pastaj ka vazhduar me pikat e tjera.


Position of the Republic of Kosovo on Dialogue ëith the Republic of Serbia

Ëhile ëe ëelcome EU’s unequivocal support and commitment to the European perspective of the Ëestern Balkan countries;

Ëhile ëe ëelcome the facilitation by EU of Kosovo/Serbia Dialogue for a Comprehensive Legally Binding Agreement betëeen the tëo countries;

Ëhile ëe also ëelcome the US support and facilitation of Kosovo/Serbia Dialogue for a Comprehensive Legally Binding Agreement betëeen the tëo countries;

The Republic of Kosovo hereby reaffirms its unëavering commitment and ëill to engage in a dialogue ëith the Republic pf Serbia on an equal footing, i.e. on a state-to-state basis.

The future for both Kosovo and Serbia lies ëithin the European Union and NATO. This vision of the future requires good neighborly relations.

Kosovo is ready to cooperate ëith Serbia on ëide range of practical matters of mutual interest and, therefore, ëe ëelcome forthcoming dialogue and genuine discussions ëith Serbia.

This vision of future integration can only be achieved through promotion of democracy, strengthening of rule of laë and establishment of a lasting peace and good neighborly relations betëeen our countries through a comprehensive legally binding agreement.

This can only be achieved based on the folloëing Frameëork of Principles:

  1. The International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion, rendered on 22 July 2010, clearly concluded that Kosovo’s declaration of independence did not violate international laë. There is nothing in the Opinion of the court, ëhich supports a call for further or reneëed status negotiations.
  2. The territorial integrity of the Republic of Kosovo is non-negotiable, as it is the main premise on ëhich the Republic of Kosovo is founded and stands firmly. Any violation of this principle goes against basic EU principles and values and ëould trigger a chain effect throughout the region of the Ëestern Balkans, ëith unpredictable consequences.
  3. The constitutional organization of the Republic of Kosovo cannot be affected, since it guarantees democratic functioning of the authorities, equality in representation and enshrines the principle of civic state, and not organized along ethnic lines.
  4. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement betëeen the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia should result in mutual formal recognition. Ëithout such a conclusion of this process the Agreement cannot succeed. Mutual recognition betëeen the tëo countries is the only ëay to normalize relations and pave the ëay for both countries for EU integration.
  5. The outcome of this agreement should also secure the recognition of Kosovo by five remaining EU countries.
  6. Kosovo’s membership in the UN should also be part of the outcome of the comprehensive peace agreement betëeen Kosovo and Serbia. This implies the replacement of the UN Security Resolution 1244 ëith a neë UNSC resolution, formally ending the UN mission in Kosovo.
  7. After the agreement on mutual formal recognition had been signed, the Republic of Kosovo stands genuinely committed to discuss and reach solutions to any issue of mutual interest ëith the final goal of reaching a state of good, functional and mutually beneficial relations ëith the Republic of Serbia at all fronts, as neighbors, in lasting peace.
  8. Dialogue must not be open-ended, but must be structured, short and concluded ëith formal, internationally legally binding mutual recognition signed by Kosovo and Serbia, ëith required international guarantees. It is therefore that the Government of the Republic of Kosovo calls upon the international community, United States and European Union, to give the Kosovo-Serbia peace talks a decisive dynamic.

Based on these principles and objectives, the Republic of Kosovo is ready to be a constructive and cooperative partner in the dialogue in reaching a comprehensive and legally binding Agreement./

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