Vendi i punës dhe shefi që çdokush do të dëshironte (Foto)

15:54 | 19 Janar 2017

Nëse jeni duke menduar të ndërroni punën tuaj gjatë vitit 2017, merreni parasysh edhe këtë vend të punës.

E njohur si “Kështjella”, për shkak se ajo me të vërtetë është kështjellë, ky vend pune brenda saj ka çdo lloj zyre që punëtorët kanë kërkuar, transmeton

Të gjithë 50 punëtorët kanë pushimin vjetor me të gjitha të paguara, mundësinë për të fituar 45% bonus dhe birrë falas.

Themeluesi i, Chris Morling, ishte këshilluar së pari me punëtorët e tij për dëshirat e tyre dhe më pas me një dizajner të hapësirës së brendshme për të bërë këtë vend shumë të dëshirueshëm nga gjithkush.

“Disa njerëz dëshirojnë të rrinë në këmbë derisa punojnë, disa të tjerë dëshirojnë të punojnë vetëm” tha Chris.

“Në fund të fundit ekipi im janë pasuria ime më e vlefshme, dhe kam dëshiruar që ata të ndjehen rehat në hapësirën ku punojnë”, shtoi ai./

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.


£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.

£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.





£3million renovation of the company headquarters - a Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - that was carried out in consultation with all 50 members of staff and in collaboration with celebrity interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen. Now Mr Morling's employees can hold meetings in the 'chalet', 'library' or the 'ice cave' and have use of a Star Wars cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets. At the heart of the 10,000 sq ft 'office' is playfulness, creativity - and plenty of orange paint.


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