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Kjo është gruaja që vuan nga 6000 tumore (Foto)

02:03 | 28 Nëntor 2016

Një grua ka deklaruar se lëkura e saj, është shkaktare që ajo jeton me 6000 tumore në tërë trupin e saj.

Libby Huffer nga Fort Wayne në Indiana, vuan nga një gjendje e rrallë shëndetësore e quajtur Neurofibromatosis, që kur ishte vetëm pesë vjeçare.

Ajo kishte jetuar një jetë normale gjatë adoleshencës, kur qindra guga i dolën në trupin e saj, dhe njerëzit frikësoheshin asaj, shkruan Mirror, transmeton Klan Kosova.

Gjërat shkuan për të keq në vitin 1993, kur hormonet e saj të shtatzënisë bënë që tumori i saj të shumëzohet për një mijë herë.

Mirëpo edhe pse ajo iu është nënshtruar operacioneve kirurgjike për t’i larguar këto gunga nga lëkura, ato sërish dolën në sipërfaqe duke e lënë Libby’n në dhimbje kronika nga balli deri te këmbët.

Së fundmi ajo ka marrë guxim që ta tregojë haptazi lëkurën e saj, duke shpresuar që mund të marrë fonde për trajtim.

PICS BY LIBBY HUFFER / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Libby took part in a daring photoshoot where she showed off her skin thanks to her daughter Lindsey, who gave her the courage not hide behind her condition any more) - Meet the bumpy lady whose shocking condition leaves woman with nearly 6,000 large tumours all over her entire body. Libby Huffer, from Fort Wayne in Indiana, USA, lived a happy, normal life until her teenage years when hundreds of bumps developed above her skin. At the age of five, she was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis Type 1, NF-1, Libbys is one of the most severe forms of the condition that causes stone-like bumps to grow at the nerve endings. After her first outbreak of the non-cancerous tumours Libby was severely bullied with people darting away from her because they thought she was contagious and even called her Lizard-Breath. The cruel comments were so bad that she had to change her name from Elizabeth to Libby, because it was such a painful reminder her of the victimisation she faced growing up. While carrying her daughter, Lindsey, in 1993, her condition worsened when hormones released during pregnancy made her tumours multiply into the thousands. Now the mum has more than 5,500 tumours from her forehead to her feet and suffers daily chronic pain, even a hug can hurt her. - SEE CATERS COPY

PICS BY LIBBY HUFFER / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Libby has more than 6,000 tumours all over her body, they range in size and cause her pain on a daily basis - this is one of the first times she is revealing her troublesome condition - Neurofibromatosis Type 1) - Meet the bumpy lady whose shocking condition leaves woman with nearly 6,000 large tumours all over her entire body. Libby Huffer, from Fort Wayne in Indiana, USA, lived a happy, normal life until her teenage years when hundreds of bumps developed above her skin. At the age of five, she was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis Type 1, NF-1, Libbys is one of the most severe forms of the condition that causes stone-like bumps to grow at the nerve endings. After her first outbreak of the non-cancerous tumours Libby was severely bullied with people darting away from her because they thought she was contagious and even called her Lizard-Breath. The cruel comments were so bad that she had to change her name from Elizabeth to Libby, because it was such a painful reminder her of the victimisation she faced growing up. While carrying her daughter, Lindsey, in 1993, her condition worsened when hormones released during pregnancy made her tumours multiply into the thousands. Now the mum has more than 5,500 tumours from her forehead to her feet and suffers daily chronic pain, even a hug can hurt her. - SEE CATERS COPY

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