Kishte fotografuar vajzat para 26 viteve, por tani ka zbuluar se diçka e frikshme fshihet në të

09:06 | 12 Korrik 2016

Një gjysh i cili kishte shkrepur një fotografi, në të cilën tek tani është vërejtur se në sfond fshihet një fantazmë, kujton si sot momentin kur para 26-viteve kishte realizuar foton tani të shumëpërfolur.
David Londsdale 58-vjeç, kishte fotografuar dy vajzat e tij duke buzëqeshur para kështjellës Rhuddlan në Wales gjatë një pikniku, ku asokohe vajzat e tij Sarah dhe Fiona ishin 10 dhe 6 vjeçe, transmeton Telegrafi.

Por javën e kaluar David duke rikujtuar momentet e fëmijërisë së vajzave të tij, ai vërejti se një krijesë e çuditshme fshihej brenda kështjellës e cila i ngjante shumë një fantazme.

Gjyshi i dy mbesave dhe një nipi, beson se hija e zezë që shfaqet në muret e kështjellës së ndërtuar në shekullin e 13-të është e ndonjë fantazme.

“Duke shikuar fotografitë këto ditë, kam vërejtur se një krijesë e çuditshme ishte fshehur në muret e kështjellës, por është interesant fakti se si deri më sot nuk e kemi vërejtur atë krijesë”, ka deklaruar Londsdale.

PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED:THE GHOSTLY FIGURE CAN BE SEEN IN THE HOLE IN THE WALL OF THE TOWER AT RHUDDLAN CASTLE IN WALES) A grandad spotted what he believes could be the spooky image of a ghost archer drawing his bow in the background of a 26-year-old family snap. David Lonsdale, 58, took the picture of his two daughters stood smiling in front of Rhuddlan castle in Wales on a trip with daughters Sarah and Fiona, then aged 10 and six, more than a quarter of a century ago. But it was only when the retired fork lift driver was flicking some old photos last week when he spotted a haunting figure stood inside an alcove of the castle looming in the background. David believes the image shows a dark figure peering round the 13th century castle walls, with black eyes and hands up as if drawing a bow in their direction. SEE MERCURY COPY
PIC BY MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: DAVID LONSDALE, 58 WITH THE 26 YEAR OLD GHOSTLY PICTURE) A grandad spotted what he believes could be the spooky image of a ghost archer drawing his bow in the background of a 26-year-old family snap. David Lonsdale, 58, took the picture of his two daughters stood smiling in front of Rhuddlan castle in Wales on a trip with daughters Sarah and Fiona, then aged 10 and six, more than a quarter of a century ago. But it was only when the retired fork lift driver was flicking some old photos last week when he spotted a haunting figure stood inside an alcove of the castle looming in the background. David believes the image shows a dark figure peering round the 13th century castle walls, with black eyes and hands up as if drawing a bow in their direction. SEE MERCURY COPY

PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED:THE GHOSTLY FIGURE CAN BE SEEN IN THE HOLE IN THE WALL OF THE TOWER AT RHUDDLAN CASTLE IN WALES) A grandad spotted what he believes could be the spooky image of a ghost archer drawing his bow in the background of a 26-year-old family snap. David Lonsdale, 58, took the picture of his two daughters stood smiling in front of Rhuddlan castle in Wales on a trip with daughters Sarah and Fiona, then aged 10 and six, more than a quarter of a century ago. But it was only when the retired fork lift driver was flicking some old photos last week when he spotted a haunting figure stood inside an alcove of the castle looming in the background. David believes the image shows a dark figure peering round the 13th century castle walls, with black eyes and hands up as if drawing a bow in their direction. SEE MERCURY COPY

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