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E lodhur nga aventurat e burrit, gruaja ia pret penisin me gërshërë

21:35 | 28 Prill 2017
Trina Galanxhi

Një grua xheloze është arrestuar pasi ka prerë pensin e burrit të saj me gërshërë.

Liezel Betitta, 32 vjeç, ishte e bindur se burri i saj kishte një lidhje dashurie me gruan e një shokut të tij, në Filipine, transmeton portali

Burri i saj kishte shkuar të pinte ca gota me miqtë e tij pas punës dhe kishte fjetur në shtëpinë e një shokut, por gruaja e tij e zemëruar e gjeti dhe kreu aktin e shëmtuar.

“Nuk me vjen keq që i kam prerë penisin. Është dënimi i tij për lidhjet me femra tjera. Jam gati të përballoj pasojat”, ka thënë ajo./

CAPTION: Mark Betitta, 33, at the Jesus Colmenares Memorial Hospital in the Balasan Town, the Philippines, after his jealous wife cut off his penis with a pair of scissors while he was in a drunken slumber  NEWS COPY - ON NEWS WIRE FOR FULL COPY   A jealous wife has been arrested after cutting off her husband’s penis - with a pair of SCISSORS.  Liezel Betitta, 32, was convinced that Mark was having an affair with a friend’s wife at a building firm where he worked in Iloilo City, the Philippines.  Mark went out drinking with pals after work and fell asleep at a friend’s house - before his furious wife stormed round and found him.  He was already sleeping and wanted to go back to sleep - but woke up in agony after Liezel had grabbed his manhood and sliced it off two inches from the base at around 10.30pm.  Defiant Liezel - who fled the scene - was later arrested and told police she had no regrets about her butchery. SEE NEWS WIRE FOR FULL COPY

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