Americans have always been attentive to different groups among big political parties, valuing them as an alternative to the political crisis.
The US State Department high-level official, Deputy Assistant State Secretary Hoyt Brian Lee, will meet this afternoon in Albania with four of the Democratic Party MPs who have not agreed with Lulzim Basha’s decision to boycott the elections.
Majlinda Bregu, Eduard Selami, Jozefina Topalli and Astrit Patozi are four of the MPs contacted by the embassy for a meeting with the representative of the US State Department.
However, three of the people who were invited may not be present in the meeting. Selami is currently in the USA, while Topalli and Patozi have not denied nor confirmed yet the meeting.
Top Channel has confirmed only the presence of Majlinda Bregu, former Minister of Integration, who has constantly blamed Basha for what she considered international isolation of the Democratic Party
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