Panda dinake shtiret se është shtatzënë për të marrë trajtim special

10:05 | 25 Dhjetor 2015

Një panda dinake besohet se e ka shtirur shtatzëninë e saj në mënyrë që të marrë trajtim të veçantë në një kopsht zoologjik në Tajvan.

Ekspertët thonë se e panë pandën Yuan Yuan dhe vërejtën se sjellja e saj ishte e njëjtë me sjelljen që e kishte shfaqur gjatë shtatzënisë së kaluar prandaj kishin dhe besuar se ishte shtatzënë.-transmeton

Si rezultat atë e kishin dërguar në një dhomë vetëm për vete me kondicioner dhe kujdes të shtuar.

Yuan Tuan e cila jeton në kopshtin zoologjik në Taipei u fertilizua artificialisht në mars. Ajo nisi të shfaqë shenja se ishte shtatzënë në qershor përfshirë edhe uljen e apetitit.

Ekspertët besojnë se ajo e ka kuptuar ndryshimin në trajtim gjatë kohës sa kishte qenë shtatzënë dhe prandaj ka shfaqur ndryshime të njëjta të sjelljes./

Pic shows: Yuan Yuan, the popular panda that underwent artificial insemination is not expecting another cub. Zoo experts have claimed a female giant panda faked being pregnant in order to secure better living conditions in the summer from caretakers. Popular panda Yuan Yuan, who lives in captivity at the Taipei Zoo in Taiwanese capital Taipei, was thought to have been expecting a second cub after breeders artificially inseminated her in March this year while she was on heat. The 11-year-old panda, that is one of the main attractions at the Taipei Zoo, began showing signs of pregnancy early June when she showed a decrease in appetite, thickening of her uterus, as well as increased fecal progesterone concentration. It was believed that Yuan Yuan, who was gifted to Taiwan by the Chinese government in 2008, might have been expecting a second cub, having given birth to her first and only baby panda Yuan Zai in July 2013. As a result she was moved to a single, air-conditioned room and given round-the-clock care, also receiving more fresh fruits and bamboo. However, experts flown to the island of Taiwan from the Chinese mainland determined through ultrasound that Yuan Yuan was not pregnant, and that the so-called symptoms of her pregnancy are already returning to normal. And a spokesman has now told local media that they believe that the clever panda displayed behavioural changes similar to those shown by pregnant females in order to be given better living conditions. This is possibly after Yuan Yuan noticed and understood the different treatment received the last time she was pregnant. They said they believe the panda notice from her previous pregnancy that she received different treatment, and was keen to act same way to make sure she got the same treatment again. Yuan Yuan was gifted to Taiwan along with partner Tuan Tuan, whose names create the phrase "tuan yuan" in Chinese, which means "reunion". (ends)

Pic shows: Yuan Yuan, the popular panda that underwent artificial insemination is not expecting another cub. Zoo experts have claimed a female giant panda faked being pregnant in order to secure better living conditions in the summer from caretakers. Popular panda Yuan Yuan, who lives in captivity at the Taipei Zoo in Taiwanese capital Taipei, was thought to have been expecting a second cub after breeders artificially inseminated her in March this year while she was on heat. The 11-year-old panda, that is one of the main attractions at the Taipei Zoo, began showing signs of pregnancy early June when she showed a decrease in appetite, thickening of her uterus, as well as increased fecal progesterone concentration. It was believed that Yuan Yuan, who was gifted to Taiwan by the Chinese government in 2008, might have been expecting a second cub, having given birth to her first and only baby panda Yuan Zai in July 2013. As a result she was moved to a single, air-conditioned room and given round-the-clock care, also receiving more fresh fruits and bamboo. However, experts flown to the island of Taiwan from the Chinese mainland determined through ultrasound that Yuan Yuan was not pregnant, and that the so-called symptoms of her pregnancy are already returning to normal. And a spokesman has now told local media that they believe that the clever panda displayed behavioural changes similar to those shown by pregnant females in order to be given better living conditions. This is possibly after Yuan Yuan noticed and understood the different treatment received the last time she was pregnant. They said they believe the panda notice from her previous pregnancy that she received different treatment, and was keen to act same way to make sure she got the same treatment again. Yuan Yuan was gifted to Taiwan along with partner Tuan Tuan, whose names create the phrase "tuan yuan" in Chinese, which means "reunion". (ends)

Pic shows: Yuan Yuan, the popular panda that underwent artificial insemination is not expecting another cub. Zoo experts have claimed a female giant panda faked being pregnant in order to secure better living conditions in the summer from caretakers. Popular panda Yuan Yuan, who lives in captivity at the Taipei Zoo in Taiwanese capital Taipei, was thought to have been expecting a second cub after breeders artificially inseminated her in March this year while she was on heat. The 11-year-old panda, that is one of the main attractions at the Taipei Zoo, began showing signs of pregnancy early June when she showed a decrease in appetite, thickening of her uterus, as well as increased fecal progesterone concentration. It was believed that Yuan Yuan, who was gifted to Taiwan by the Chinese government in 2008, might have been expecting a second cub, having given birth to her first and only baby panda Yuan Zai in July 2013. As a result she was moved to a single, air-conditioned room and given round-the-clock care, also receiving more fresh fruits and bamboo. However, experts flown to the island of Taiwan from the Chinese mainland determined through ultrasound that Yuan Yuan was not pregnant, and that the so-called symptoms of her pregnancy are already returning to normal. And a spokesman has now told local media that they believe that the clever panda displayed behavioural changes similar to those shown by pregnant females in order to be given better living conditions. This is possibly after Yuan Yuan noticed and understood the different treatment received the last time she was pregnant. They said they believe the panda notice from her previous pregnancy that she received different treatment, and was keen to act same way to make sure she got the same treatment again. Yuan Yuan was gifted to Taiwan along with partner Tuan Tuan, whose names create the phrase "tuan yuan" in Chinese, which means "reunion". (ends)

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