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Modelja e njohur pozon topless

08:58 | 10 Janar 2018

Modelja e njohur Emily Ratajkowski ka pozuar topless për të reklamuar një produkt.

26-vjeçarja është bërë pjesë e një kampanje për një produkt të flokëve, shkruan

Foto e fundit të lansuara nga brendi i njohur ‘Kerastase’, shfaqin bukuroshen më joshëse se kurrë më parë./


Fab hair, do care! Emily Ratajkowski is the new face of Kérastase

Getting her hair done: The brand released a topless campaign images as well as more clothed behind-the-scenes photos

Posing it up: She also appears in a video campaign released this week

Loving her locks! 'Sexiness is a wonderful form of beauty,' she said. 'It's self-affirming and it's tremendously feminine'

Longtime fan: The star said she has been using the brand's products since well before the partnership


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