The presence of KFOR in Kosovo does not have a specific deadline.
“It will be there until the country’s institutions will be able to offer more security”, said Commander General Giovanni Fungo in a press release, before leaving Kosovo.
“KFOR’s presence in Kosovo is not related to a specific period. It is based on conditions. When the conditions are met, then we could change the structure, the mission and the duty of KFOR here in Kosovo. Our conditions are that Kosovo institutions should be able to offer security. For the moment, security is divided in three levels. The first ones who respond are the Kosovo Police, then EULEX, law-enforcing agencies and KFOR”, Kosovapress reports.
While he said that the security situation in Kosovo is very good, Fungo spoke about the joint exercise with the Kosovo Police and the Kosovo Special Forces, whose troops, he said, have the same standard as their soldiers.
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