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Ja si dukej kampi i refugjatëve në Egjipt për jugosllavët gjatë Luftës së Dytë Botërore

22:33 | 12 Qershor 2017
Trina Galanxhi

Ky është El Shatt – një kamp refugjatësh në Egjipt që strehoi azilkërkuesit jugosllavë gjatë Luftës së Dytë Botërore.

Përmes fotografive të mëposhtme mund të shikoni jetën e përditshme në kampet e asaj kohe, transmeton portali

Kampi ishte në mes të shkretëtirës pranë Kanalit të Suezit, që do të thotë se kushtet ishin shumë të ashpra për shumë banorë të saj.

Ajo u ndërtua nga Administrata Britanike dhe Administrata e Ndihmës dhe Rehabilitimit të Kombeve të Bashkuara në verën e vitit 1944, për të strehuar dhjetëra mijëra civilë që u larguan nga Jugosllavia përpara një pushtimi gjerman.

Gjatë 18 muajve që ishte i hapur ky kamp, refugjatët në El Shatt, u përpoqën të jetonin një jetë relativisht normale, duke qenë shume larg shtëpisë dhe duke jetuar në kushte të këqija.

Fotografitë dëshmojne se refugjatët ia kishin dalur të ngrinin shkolla, shërbime për pastrimin e rrobave dhe teatro. Madje ata prodhuan edhe një gazetë të kampit.

Mëgjithatë, realiteti i zymtë shfaqet kur disa nga fëmijët lahen në Kanalin e Suezit, ndërsa afër tyre kalojnë anijet luftarake.

Njerëzit nga Dalmacia, Kroacia e sotme e kanë gjetur të vështirë të përballen me kushtet në shkretëtirë. Shumica prej tyre u përballën me sëmundje të rënda, ndërsa qindra persona humbën jetën.

Qeveria britanike gjithashtu ishte jashtëzakonisht e rreptë për hyrjen dhe daljen nga kampi.

Më shumë se 30,000 njerëz në total jetuan në El Shatt. Gjatë kohës së tyre atje, kishte 300 martesa dhe 650 lindje.

Shumica e njerëzve u kthyen në Jugosllavi në fillim të vitit 1946 kur përfundoi lufta dhe situata politike filloi të stabilizohet.

Tragjikisht, megjithatë, 825 njerëz vdiqën nga kushtet e vështira. Varret e tyre mbeten në vendin ku ishte El Shatt./

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

INCREDIBLE images have revealed the refugee camp in Egypt that housed Eastern Europeans during World War Two. The striking pictures show old and young people alike relaxing in the camp and trying to while away the hours by painting, sculpting and letting the children play on a see-saw and swings. Other shots depict the hardship that was endured by the refugees as doctors tend to weary patients, thin men build furniture and women try to find clothes to fit their children. The black and white photographs show El Shatt, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's refugee camp set up in Egypt for Yugoslavian refugees.

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