Tjetër vrasje e drejtpërdrejtë në Facebook, babai vret foshnjen dhe më pas veten

23:08 | 25 Prill 2017
Trina Galanxhi

Shërbimi i videove të drejtpërdrejta në Facebook është vënë nën presion pasi një baba vrau vajzën e tij 11-muajshme dhe më pas vrau vetën.

Wuttisan Wongtalay, nga Tajlanda,  kishte kërcënuar më pare se do të vriste të dashurën e tij, ndërsa ajo ishte larguar nga shtëpia, duke e lënë vajzën e vogël me të, transmeton portali

Nëna e tmerruar e ka parë vrasjen e fëmijës dhe ish-burrit të saj live dhe menjëherë ka lajmëruar policinë.

Mbrenda një muaji kjo është vrasja e dytë që po kryehet drejtpërdrejtë në Facebook. Javë më parë u vra një pensionit në Shtetet e Bashkuara.

Facebook është zotuar se do të luftojë për të parandaluar këtë dukuri negative që ka marrë vrull kohëve të fundit në mediat sociale./

VIRAL PRESS - NEWS COPY - WITH VIDEO AND PICTURES (07771706292 / +66896682190) CAPTION: Father Wuttisan Wongtalay, 20, with 11-month-old daughter ëBetaí who he hanged live on Facebook along with himself after a jealous row with his girlfriend Jiranuch Trirat, 21, pictured with an unrelated young male relative NEWS COPY: An evil father hanged himself and his 11-month-old daughter live on FACEBOOK after a row with his girlfriend. Wuttisan Wongtalay, 20, accused partner Jiranuch Trirat, 21, of cheating on him before disappearing later with their child Beta yesterday (Mon) afternoon. The twisted father climbed a building and opened the Facebook live stream before looping a rope round his daughterís neck and throwing her off the edge. He puts a noose around his own neck but clambers back over the side with his daughter - who is still alive - before repeating it again. Shockingly, frantic partner Jiranuch saw the video at 6.30pm and called police who found the pair hanging from an abandoned building in Phuket, Thailand. The heartbroken mother told officers that she had fled the home earlier that morning after Wuttisan had threatened to kill her. She said he had checked her phone at 3am and he accused her of having an affair before flying into a jealous rage. Jiranuch went home later that day and rang her boyfriend but could not reach him - before logging on to Facebook and seeing the horrific video. Lt Col Sanit Nookhong from the Thai Royal Police said the murder suicide was ëían actor of jealouslyíí and Jiranuch was being consoled by family and friends. He said: ëíWe had an emergency call from Ms. Trirat and launched a search. We found the bodies of the father and daughter. ëíWe then checked the video of the man. He had done it before we arrived so there was no way for us to reach them. ëíThe man had an argument with his girlfriend. He was jealous and thought that she had other boyfriends. ëíThe video was posted at 5.45pm and we had the call at 6.30pm.'' ENDS

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