Turisti anglez përgjaket pas një përleshje me një prostitutë transeksuale

21:09 | 20 Shkurt 2017
Trina Galanxhi

Një turist anglez i dehur është përgjakur dhe është gjetur i shtrirë në rrugët e qytetit Pattaya, në Tajlandë, pasi dyshohet se është përleshur fizikisht me një prostitutë transeksuale në pjesën e pasme të një taksi.

I dehuri besohet se është rreth të 60-tave, thuhet se ka qenë aq i dehur sa nuk ka mundur t’i tregojë policisë as emrin e vet, transmeton portali arbresh.info.

Anglezi është gjetur i mbuluar në gjak jashtë një lokali me drita të kuqe pasi kishte takuar prostitutën për herë të parë gjatë asaj nate.

Sipas dëshmitarëve ai kishte refuzuar të paguante atë për shërbimet e kryera dhe përleshja më pas ka eskaluar.

Ai e ka pohuar se është sulmuar jashtë klubit, por besohet se ‘lufta’ mes tyre kishte filluar që në lokal, duke shkaktuar edhe dëme materiale.

Më pas policia ka bastisur edhe lokalin e natës duke arrestuar dy prostitute.

Pattaya thuhet të jetë ‘shtëpi’ për rreth 27 mijë prostituta./Arbresh.info


VIRAL PRESS --- COPY ALSO ON NEWS WIRE --- 07771706292 ---    Two hookers were hauled naked out of a hot tub in front of cheering tourists while a drunk Brit was found covered in blood as police cracked down on Thailand's 'sin cityí over the weekend. The girls in their 20s were splashing around in the bubble bath for a kinky nude show on Saturday night in the notorious sex capital Pattaya. But cops raided the Silver Star Agogo club - sparking frantic scenes as dancers tried to cover up and the prostitutes in the water jumped out in the nude. It comes after the city was last week dubbed the 'sex capital of the world' and likened to a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah - prompting authorities to attempt to show they are on top of the issue.  Police Colonel Apichai Grobpet, who was leading the raids, said they would continue to clean up Pattaya's image to make it a safe place for tourists.  He added: ''Anything illegal we will stop and punish those people.'' The two dancers were arrested on suspicion of committing indecent acts in public and the owner of the bars faces prosecution. While disappointed punters had to finish their drinks, pay up and leave as cops closed down the seedy venue, which features metal rings on chains for girls to swing on. A group of police checked the dancers' ID cards then marched through the he city to a second club and closed it down. Although Pattaya is said to be home to some 27,000 sex workers, prostitution on the premises is technically illegally and fully nude entertainment is banned. Last week a Brit tourist was left-red faced after being caught in bed with a hooker by police.  While pictures emerged on the same night as the raid of a Brit tourist sprawled on the floor covered in blood after arguing with a ladyboy prostitute and starting a drunken fight in a bar. The man - who was too drunk to tell police his name - took the transgender hooker, 24, to a nightclub but started fighting in the car.  He then caused problems with staff and customers before being pictured covered in blood on the pavement outside.  The tourist, aged around 60 years old, was taken to hospital and treated for his injuries. Staff at the venue said he had fallen over on his way out after being told to leave. ENDS ( FEE 40 for 1st pictures, 20 for second, 15 for third and 80 for unlimited amount)

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