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Pas 44 vitesh të fejuar, më në fund martohen (FOTO)

12:11 | 17 Maj 2016

Një burrë 84-vjeçar dhe dashuria e jetës së tij, 82-vjeçare, më në fund janë martuar pas 44 vitesh fejesë.

Colin Dunn dhe Sally Smith për herë të parë u takuan në vitin 1972 në klub, klub të cilin më pas Colin e kishte vizituar çdo fundjavë pas punës.

Colin, shofer kamioni në pension, e kujton se si Sally e kishte shërbyer atë kur ai shkonte pas punës, transmeton

“Ne biseduam për gjumë gjëra dhe më në fund e mlodha vetën që t’i kërkoja takim,” kujton Colin.

Sally e cila kishte katër fëmijë nga martesa e parë, kishte rënë dakord të takohej me Colin dhe nuk kishte shikuar pas që nga ajo kohë./

Wedding Day of Sally, 82 and Colin, 85, Dunn, at St Mary's Church Middleton, Leeds, who finally got married after a 44 year long engagement. See Ross Parry copy RPYWED : A devoted couple have finally put life's busy events aside and walked down the aisle - 44 YEARS after they met.  Sally, 82, and Colin Dunn, 84, met in 1972 when they were in their late 30s when Sally worked behind the bar of the social club that Colin visited every weekend after work.  And it was in that very social club, more than four decades later, that the couple celebrated their wedding with over 100 of their closest family and friends. Remembering the times he used to visit Sally at Middleton Social Club in leeds, West Yorks., Colin said: "Sally used to serve me every weekend when I'd go in every weekend. "We got chatting and she got used to me going. Eventually, I asked her out."

Edhe pse gjithmonë të dashuruar, çifti janë martuar pas 44 vitesh fejesë.

“Nuk e kisha në mend të martohesha në atë kohë. Ne ishim të zënë duke u kujdesur edhe për fëmijët”, shton Colin.


Wedding Day of Sally, 82 and Colin, 85, Dunn, at St Mary's Church Middleton, Leeds, who finally got married after a 44 year long engagement. See Ross Parry copy RPYWED : A devoted couple have finally put life's busy events aside and walked down the aisle - 44 YEARS after they met.  Sally, 82, and Colin Dunn, 84, met in 1972 when they were in their late 30s when Sally worked behind the bar of the social club that Colin visited every weekend after work.  And it was in that very social club, more than four decades later, that the couple celebrated their wedding with over 100 of their closest family and friends. Remembering the times he used to visit Sally at Middleton Social Club in leeds, West Yorks., Colin said: "Sally used to serve me every weekend when I'd go in every weekend. "We got chatting and she got used to me going. Eventually, I asked her out."

“Pasi fëmijët u rritën dhe largoheshin nga shtëpia, mbetën vetëm unë e Sally dhe ky ishte moment kur e kuptuam që kishte ardhur kohë të bëheshim burrë e grua,” tha Colin, transmeton

“Para Krishlindjeve humba dy vëllezërit e mi dhe mëqe po kalonim një periudhë të vështirë vendosem që të bëheshim burrë e brua”, shtoi ai.

Wedding Day of Sally, 82 and Colin, 85, Dunn, at St Mary's Church Middleton, Leeds, who finally got married after a 44 year long engagement. See Ross Parry copy RPYWED : A devoted couple have finally put life's busy events aside and walked down the aisle - 44 YEARS after they met.  Sally, 82, and Colin Dunn, 84, met in 1972 when they were in their late 30s when Sally worked behind the bar of the social club that Colin visited every weekend after work.  And it was in that very social club, more than four decades later, that the couple celebrated their wedding with over 100 of their closest family and friends. Remembering the times he used to visit Sally at Middleton Social Club in leeds, West Yorks., Colin said: "Sally used to serve me every weekend when I'd go in every weekend. "We got chatting and she got used to me going. Eventually, I asked her out."

Dhe kështu, në fund, çifti nga Leeds u martuan në kishën e  Shën Marisë në Middleton në mesin e 100 miqve dhe familjarëve. Pas ceremonisë martesore ata shkuan të festonin në lokain ku ishin takuar për herë të parë. /


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